financing & Land Equity Loans FINANCING & LAND EQUITY LOANS Take Advantage of Our In-House Financing, or Request a Land Equity Loan. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are You Interested in Seller Financing on Raw Land or Applying for a Land Equity Loan? Eastern Woodlands Corp. finances land we sell as well as offering equity loans on land you currently own Our terms are extremely flexible, as are our credit requirements. We also close quickly, very often inside of one week from our initial consultation with you. Please select 'Seller Financing' or 'Land Equity Loan' below and complete the form: Loan Type *SelectSeller FinancingLand Equity LoanName *FirstLastPhone *Email *Enter the Property Address or Tax Parcel ID #(if available)How would you estimate your credit?SelectExcellentGoodAverageFairPoorCommentSend Message